Monday 20 June - Codes of Conduct in the European Parliament: regulate now to regain public trust

Publication date: 
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
ALTER-EU Press Conference
Start date: 
Mon, 2011-06-20 10:00
Residence Palace Rue de la Loi, 200 Maelbeek Room (ground floor)

Invitation to a press conference - Monday 20 June, 10.00 am

In response to public unease after the recent ‘cash-for-amendments’ scandal, the European Parliament formed a working group of MEPs to tighten ethics rules, which will finish its work in the next days.


Monday 20 June, 10.00 am

CODES OF CONDUCT IN THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: regulate now to regain public trust

In response to public unease after the recent ‘cash-for-amendments’ scandal, the European Parliament’s President Mr Buzek has formed a working group of MEPs to evaluate how to tighten ethics rules for Members, ex-Members and interest representatives. The working group is likely to finish its work within the week and an important meeting will be held on the afternoon of Tuesday 21 June.

The Alliance for Lobbying Transparency and Ethics Regulation (ALTER-EU) and Transparency International (TI) have first-hand experience of this process and fear that the results will fall short of the changes needed, thereby wasting a once-in-a-decade opportunity.

Come and find out more about the demands of these groups and their fears about the lack of process on ethical reforms in the working group. They will also be joined by the International Press Association.

When: Monday, June 20, 2011 – 10.00 am
Coffee will be served from 9.45 am

Where: Residence Palace – Maelbeek Room
Brussels, 200, Rue de la Loi


Welcome: Vicky Cann (campaigner for ALTER-EU)


Jana Mittermaier, Head of TI Liaison Office to the EU

Olivier Hoedeman, spokesperson for ALTER-EU

Lorenzo Consoli, former president of International Press Association

RSVP before June 17, 18h00: / + 32 2893 0930 or 0489 596 478

or: / +32 2893 1023