ALTER-EU media coverage

Mühsamer Weg zur Transparenz im Lobbying

Publication date: 
lundi, June 25, 2012
Wolfgang Tucek
Media title: 
Wirtschafts Blatt

Ein Jahr nach der Reform des EU-Transparenzregisters ziehen Lobbyingwächter eine ernüchternde Bilanz: Es sei unvollständig, irreführend und gar nicht de facto verpflichtend.

EU lobbyist register gives incomplete picture

Publication date: 
lundi, June 25, 2012
Nikolaj Nielsen
Media title: 
EU Observer

The joint transparency register launched by the European Commission and the European Parliament precisely 1 year ago is riddled with inaccuracies and gaps. A report released today by the pro-transparency group ALTER-EU says the voluntary register is failing to give a complete picture of lobbying in Brussels.

UE: malgré le registre, les lobbies opèrent toujours dans l'ombre

Publication date: 
lundi, June 25, 2012
Media title: 

Malgré l'introduction d'un registre européen des lobbies, ceux-ci opèrent toujours dans l'ombre, selon une coalition d'ONG dédiée à la transparence et à l'éthique. Les institutions européennes devraient rendre obligatoire la déclaration d'activités, estime ALTER-EU.

Living in a democracy...

Publication date: 
vendredi, June 15, 2012
Koen Roovers
Media title: 
New Europe

In 'One year after the scandal' MEP Geringer de Oedenberg (S&D) makes a case in favour of the exposed MEP Adrian Severin (ex-S&D). In so doing she not only does a disservice to the European Parliament, but also to citizens across Europe who expect their elected representatives to act in the public interest.
