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La “puerta giratoria” que parece unir a las instituciones de la UE con el sector privado.. Le « pantouflage » qui relit directement les institutions de l’Union européenne au secteur privé.. Die “Drehtür” welche die EU-Institutionen direkt mit dem Privatsektor zu verbinden..
Welcome to ALTER-EU's 7th newsletter. Like last time, there is a lot to share.
The importance of effective implementation of the code, including clear definitions, became evident last week when a news medium reported that the CEO of the Finnish Chamber of Commerce intended to take the seat as MEP from March 1st, without giving up the job as chair of the lobby group.
In an earlier letter Mr Nociar has stated that the Commission “already ensures far-reaching transparency in the application of Article 16 of the Staff Regulations”. How is this so? It seems to us there is very little transparency on this issue, let alone proactive transparency.
