Recent ALTER-EU publications and correspondence

E.g., 2024-10-01

Legal study into the legal framework for a mandatory EU lobby register and regulations

Publication date: 
lundi, June 17, 2013
Markus Krajewski, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg

Transferring the current voluntary regime into binding rules has been a demand of the European Parliament since a number of years. [..] The [attached] study assesses if there is a legal basis in current EU primary law to establish a mandatory lobby register.

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The data privacy lobby battle: what's at stake and what can be done?

Publication date: 
mercredi, May 15, 2013

Big corporation are doing everything in their power to water down the EU's new regulation on data privacy as it threatens their commercial interests. On 19th June the European Parliament will decide how strong the regulation will be. Citizens will be key in pushing MEPs to vote in public interest.

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Civil society calls upon Commissioner Šefčovič for higher levels of transparency, fairness and accountability among the Commission's expert groups

Publication date: 
lundi, May 6, 2013
Monique Goyens, (Director General, BEUC), Angelo Caserta (Regional Director, Stichting, BirdLife Europe), Pascoe Sabido (Researcher and Campaigner, Corporate Europe Observatory), Guillame Prache (Director, EuroFinuse), Monica Kosinska (Director, European Public Health Alliance), Magda Stoczkiewicz, (Director, Friends of the Earth Europe), Jos Dings (Director, Transport and Environment), Jana Mittermaier (Director, Transparency International EU Office)

Since the launching of the informal dialogue between the Commission and the Parliament in September, many civil society groups have felt excluded from the process undertaken by the Commission to reform its expert groups. They therefore call on Commissioner Šefčovič for higher levels of transparency, fairness and accountability.

Download full document as pdf: 
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Briefing on the Code of Conduct for Lobbyists

Publication date: 
jeudi, April 18, 2013

The Code of Conduct (CoC) for lobbyists, which registrants of the Joint Transparency Register (TR) sign up to, in its current form, is weak and vaguely worded. It also needs to be revised in light of the new CoC for MEPs, which was introduced on January 1st 2012 (the MEP CoC was introduced after the TR came into being (June 2011)). 

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