Recent ALTER-EU publications and correspondence

E.g., 2024-10-01

Give the Commission your views on EU lobbying!

Publication date: 
mardi, April 12, 2016

The European Commission is consulting on lobby transparency until 31 May 2016. Make sure you tell them what you think; this ALTER-EU template provides some food for thought.

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National representations in Brussels: open for corporate lobbyists

Publication date: 
mardi, March 22, 2016

Corporate lobbyists enjoy widespread access to member state representations according to the first ever study on lobbying activities at national government offices in Brussels.

Download full document as pdf: 
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Public interest groups demand consultation on weak new rules for EU advisory groups

Publication date: 
mardi, February 23, 2016

A coalition of civil society groups working on lobbying transparency and ethics regulations have called on European Commission Vice President, Frans Timmermans, to wait until the European Parliament and the public have had a chance to comment before introducing new rules on advisory groups, formally known as Expert Groups.

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