ALTER-EU media coverage

Bribes probe sears EU Parliament (with video interview Olivier Hoedeman, ALTER-EU)

Publication date: 
lundi, March 21, 2011
Media title: 

Three European Parliament members are under investigation on corruption allegations. The Sunday Times says journalists posing as lobbyists offered 60 MEPs bribes to propose law amendments. Institutional reform group ALTER-EU said: "This scandal could be the tip of the iceberg."

Lobbyisten-Affäre: NGO fordert verpflichtendes Lobbyistenregister

Publication date: 
lundi, March 21, 2011
Austria Press Agency
Media title: 
Tiroler Tageszeitung

Anlässlich der Lobbyisten-Affäre um Ex-ÖVP-Delegationsleiter Ernst Strasser und andere EU-Parlamentarier fordert die „Alliance for Lobbying Transparency and Ethics Regulation in the EU“ (ALTER-EU) strengere Gesetze für Abgeordnete des europäischen Parlaments und ein verpflichtendes Lobbyistenregister.

Corruption présumée: le Parlement promet de tirer les leçons

Publication date: 
lundi, March 21, 2011
Media title: 
Tribune de Genève

Le Parlement européen a promis lundi de mener une enquête détaillée sur les accusations de corruption pesant sur trois de ses élus, dont deux ont démissionné, et de réfléchir à des "implications plus larges pour l'institution" et son fonctionnement.

European Drug Regulator Puts Limits on Ex-Director

Publication date: 
lundi, March 21, 2011
Jeanne Whalen
Media title: 

Europe's main drug regulator, the European Medicines Agency, said it is setting new limits on the business activities of its former executive director, Thomas Lonngren, after European legislators and transparency groups (among which ALTER-EU) complained that his health-care consulting activities presented possible conflicts of interest.

Snapshot original article (pdf): 
