X’qed jaħbu f’Dar Malta fi Brussels ? (What is Malta hiding in Brussels?)

Publication date: 
mercredi, June 8, 2016
Media title: 

Fi studju mħejji minn ALTER-EU (Alliance for Lobbying Transparency and Ethics Regulation – grupp ta’ NGOs li jaħdmu favur it-trasparenza) ippubblikat f’Marzu li għadda ma tantx jidher li r-rapprezentanti ta’ Malta fi Brussels jipprattikaw wisq it-trasparenza.

Matul l-2015 ALTER-EU talbet lil diversi rapprezentanti ta’ pajjiżi membri fl-Unjoni Ewropea biex jinfurmawhom permezz tal-proċeduri tal-Freedom of Information Act dwar il-lista ta’ laqgħat li r-rapprezentanti ta’ Malta fi Brussels kellhom ma dawk imsejħa lobbyists – jiġifieri dawk li jfittxu li jinfluwenzaw it-teħid ta’ deċiżjonijiet u l-formolazzjoni ta’ policy fl-istituzzjonijiet ewropej.

Ir-rapprezentanti ta’ Malta fi Brussels (skond ir-rapport) kienu ta’ wieħed minn żewġ pajjiżi li irrifjutaw li jagħtu din l-informazzjoni. L-oħrajn kienu r-rapprezentanti tar-Renju Unit.


In a study prepared by ALTER-EU (Alliance for Lobbying Transparency and Ethics Regulation - NGO group working for transparency) published last March seems unlikely that the Malta representatives in Brussels indulge too much transparency .

During 2015 ALTER-EU asked several representatives of member countries in the European Union to inform them through the procedures of the Freedom of Information Act on the list of meetings that the Malta representatives in Brussels have had with those called lobbyists - that is seeking to influence decision-making and the formulation of policy for European institutions.

The Maltese representatives in Brussels ( according to the report ) was one of two countries that refused to give this information. Lo h others were the UK representatives.