ALTER-EU media coverage

Self-regulation not an option for EU lobbying

Publication date: 
lundi, October 29, 2012
Koen Roovers
Media title: 
EU Observer

Two weeks after ex-health-commissioner Dalli's resignation in what has become known as "Dalligate" - a scandal described by public health campaigners as the biggest interference of the tobacco lobby in European politics to date - Philip Sheppard's plea for self-regulation of the lobbyist profession published on 16 October appears delusional.

Lobbies et Union européenne

Publication date: 
mardi, October 2, 2012
Philippe Antoine
Media title: 

Les lobbies sont-ils les vrais détenteurs du pouvoir dans l'Union européenne. C'est une question légitime lorsque l'on voit leur nombre et l'argent qu'ils dépensent. Une partie de la réponse dans l'enquête menée par Philippe Antoine autour du siège des Institutions bruxelloises.

Ethics code has to keep MEPs in check

Publication date: 
jeudi, September 6, 2012
Natacha Cingotti
Media title: 
European Voice

On 9 August, the European Voice reported that Austrian authorities had charged a former MEP, Ernst Strasser, with corruption following the 2011 ‘cash-for-influence' scandal. The case of another MEP, Adrian Severin, who was incriminated in the same scandal, is even more worrying.
