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The European Ombudsman has ruled in favour of Testbiotech's complaint against the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) regarding its approach to the 'revolving door'. The case concerns EFSA's former senior staff member, Dr Suzy Renckens, who also featured in ALTER-EU's recent report.
ALTER-EU took part in a ground-breaking hearing in the European Parliament - initiated by Dennis de Jong MEP (GUE/NGL), co-organised by the EPP, S&D, ALDE and Greens - looking at problems with the European Commission's expert groups. 
Eight new cases illustrating the extent of Brussels' revolving door problem are exposed today with the launch of the Corporate Europe Observatory's new RevolvingDoorWatch.
The code will increase transparency and introduce rules to avoid conflicts of interest. ALTER-EU regrets, however, the lack of measures to stop MEPs moving into lobbying jobs without a cooling-off period, and the weakening of proposed rules regarding gifts that would allow MEPs to accept paid trips to luxury destinations from interest groups.
Le rapport d’Alter-EU se fonde sur des exemples concrets et la France en compte plusieurs : trois français sur les dix-sept cas de pantouflage européen recensés sont étudiés.
