Publication date:
jeudi, September 29, 2016

ALTER-EU steering committee writes to President Juncker to express our strong concerns about the European Commission’s handling of revolving door moves by former commissioners, and demand reform of the revolving doors rules in the Code of Conduct for Commissioners and the composition of the adhoc ethical committee which advises the European Commission on the ethics of their revolving door cases.
Executive summary / policy recommendations:
- We strongly criticise the delay in taking action regarding former President Barroso’s move to Goldman Sachs
- We make a formal complaint of maladministration regarding the Commission’s inaction on the job moves by ex-commissioners Neelie Kroes (Uber, Salesforce) and Karel De Gucht (ArcelorMittal)
- We argue that, collectively, these three cases show the ineffectiveness of the Code of Conduct for Commissioners in implementing the provisions of Treaty article 245, and consider that it is now an urgent matter for the Commission to revise the Code
- We make a formal complaint of maladministration regarding the appointment of two Commission special advisers to the Ad hoc Ethical Committee
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