Recent ALTER-EU publications and correspondence

E.g., 2024-10-06

MEPs call for curbs on the revolving door

Publication date: 
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Vicky Cann

In recent months, the Parliament has been busy reviewing the Commission's proposal to reform the rules that govern EU officials' terms and conditions. There is a fairly widely-held view amongst the institutions that EU staff must not be excluded from the wider austerity measures which are simultaneously being implemented within member states.

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50 organsations and international experts respond to Commission spokesperson's "nutty NGO's" attack

Publication date: 
Thursday, June 14, 2012
50 civil society groups and international freedom of information experts.

A Commission spokesperson is quoted as referring in vehement and exaggerated terms to information requests made by “nutty NGOs”, claiming that “they think it's funny to waste officials' time” by making access to information requests.

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Letter to European Parliament's Budget Committee: MEPs should reject lifting reserve on expert groups budget (English and French version attached)

Publication date: 
Monday, May 7, 2012
Yiorgos Vassalos

On 8 May, the Budget Committee will vote on the European Commission's request to lift the reserve of two million Euros for meetings for expert groups. (Transfer of Appropriations No DEC 05/2012) The European Commission is requesting that this reserve is lifted without any of the conditions set by the European Parliament being fulfilled [...].

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Letter to European Parliament's Legal Affairs committee ahead of 'Staff Regulations' vote

Publication date: 
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Vicky Cann

The Staff Regulations contain the ethics rules which govern 55,000 or more officials who work across the EU institutions. ALTER-EU considers that the current process to reform the Staff Regulations provides an opportunity to improve these ethics rules, especially those that relate to conflicts of interest during and after EU staff work for the EU.

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How to make a transparent registration in the Joint European Commission & Parliament “Transparency Register”

Publication date: 
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
ALTER-EU and the EU Civil Society Contact Group

The EU Civil Society Contact Group and ALTER-EU criticise the “Transparency Register” as fundamentally flawed because it is not mandatory, it does not require organisations to register all individual lobbyists who work for them, and because the required financial reporting on lobbying expenditure is inconsistent and not comparable.

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