Recent ALTER-EU publications and correspondence

E.g., 2024-10-06

Revolving Doors: ALTER-EU letter about Budgetary Control committee's vote on Staff Regulations

Publication date: 
Friday, March 16, 2012
Vicky Cann

The Staff Regulations contain the ethics rules which govern 55,000 or more officials who work across the EU institutions. ALTER-EU considers that the current process to reform the Staff Regulations provides an opportunity to improve these ethics rules, especially those that relate to conflicts of interest during and after EU staff work for the EU.

Document types: 

Firm action to regulate ‘revolving door’ between European institutions and lobby industry needed

Publication date: 
Thursday, March 15, 2012
ALTER-EU, EuroCoop, Transparency International Brussels office, Solidar, EURODAD, EPSU

When EU institution staff members leave public service and become lobbyists, conflicts of interest may arise that can damage the integrity of the public policy-making process and the reputation of the European institutions.

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Translations into German, French and Spanish, of 'Revolving Doors' report executive summary

Publication date: 
Thursday, February 16, 2012
ALTER-EU, C%rditrad

La “puerta giratoria” que parece unir a las instituciones de la UE con el sector privado..
Le « pantouflage » qui relit directement les institutions de l’Union européenne au secteur privé..
Die “Drehtür” welche die EU-Institutionen direkt mit dem Privatsektor zu verbinden..

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