Do you want to see more transparency about who is lobbying who in Brussels and the EU institutions? Are you angry about the privileged access that corporate lobbyists get to EU decision-makers, whether it be on TTIP, tobacco, climate, regulation, digital rights...?
The European Commission is consulting about how to improve the EU lobby transparency register with a view to revising and improving the current set-up. The consultation process is far from perfect, and the extent of the Commission's future ambition is not yet clear, but nonetheless, the Alliance for Lobbying Transparency and Ethics Regulation (ALTER-EU) is keen to see as many individuals and organisations as possible express their views on this topic. The more that the Commission hears critical voices supporting a robust EU lobby transparency regime, the more chance that the Commission will produce a strong proposal. To this end, ALTER-EU has produced an outline response to the consultation which might give you ideas for your own submission. Our outline makes suggestions in various areas and is for you to adapt as you wish. Do get in touch if you have any questions. And do let us know if you send in a submission.