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Afternoon seminar
The UK Fraud Advisory Panel and the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies in London are organising an afternoon seminar on 16 November 2012 on conflicts of interest. 
New ethics rules in the European Parliament are not strict enough to ensure complete transparency on MEPs’ outside interests, and therefore prevent potential conflicts of interest, shows the first analysis of declarations made under the new MEP code of conduct. 
New report examines the composition of DG Enterprise and Industry expert groups. Among its findings, the shocking conclusion that there are 482 corporate lobbyists versus only 11 union representatives.
The EU Transparency Register, jointly launched by the European Commission and the Parliament a year ago, fails to give a full and accurate picture of lobbying activities in Brussels.
ALTER-EU will present its new report providing an analysis of DG Enterprise and Industry’s expert groups on July 10. The report shows how corporate interests dominate a significant proportion of expert groups, while other interests groups, such as civil society groups, labour unions and small and medium enterprises are hardly heard.
