ALTER-EU media coverage

EU commission urged to improve expert group 'transparency'

Publication date: 
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Martin Banks
Media title: 
Parliament Magazine

"The European commission has been accused of failing to recognise the "full scale" of the problem of an alleged lack of transparency in its expert groups. The claim was made by the Brussels-based group ALTER-EU, which has demanded a "fairer" composition of the groups which provide the commission with external expertise for its decision making."

Lobbyisten: Wie Brüssel reagiert hat

Publication date: 
Friday, August 10, 2012
Media title: 

Der Fall Ernst Strasser hat auch in der EU die Bestrebungen für eine bessere Kontrolle von Lobbyisten vorangebracht. Seit Mitte des Vorjahres gibt es ein gemeinsames Register, in dem sich Lobbyisten eintragen, wenn sie im EU-Parlament oder in der Komission tätig sind. Verpflichtend ist das aber nicht.

NGOs denounce over-representation of industry

Publication date: 
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Ophélie Spanneut
Media title: 

Two-thirds of the advisory groups that work with the European Commission's DG Enterprise and Industry are dominated by big business interests that hold at least half the non-governmental seats.
