EU Parliament plans new lobby rules after scandal Publication date: Thursday, March 31, 2011Media title: ReutersCash-for-influence sting pressures lawmakers to reform: the European Parliament head promises to examine MEPs with second jobs. Link to original article: Read more about EU Parliament plans new lobby rules after scandal
Cash for laws scandal 'very damaging' for parliament Publication date: Wednesday, March 30, 2011Author: Martin BanksMedia title: TheParliament.comALTER-EU's Paul de Clerck said, "The cash-for-amendments scandal has exposed not only corruption, but also some very serious broader problems that result from the parliament's far too weak transparency and ethics rules. Link to original article: Read more about Cash for laws scandal 'very damaging' for parliament
Kaum Chancen für Lobbying-Register Publication date: Wednesday, March 30, 2011Author: Wolfgang TucekMedia title: Die Wiener ZeitungVerpflichtendes Register erscheint unwahrscheinlich. Aufzählung Gemeinsames EU-Verzeichnis ab Juni geplant. Link to original article: Read more about Kaum Chancen für Lobbying-Register
Fourth MEP caught in 'cash for laws' scandal Publication date: Tuesday, March 29, 2011Media title: TheParliament.comSpanish MEP Pablo Zalba Bidegain said he had been "deceived" by Sunday Times reporters and did not accept the cash, the paper reports. Link to original article: Read more about Fourth MEP caught in 'cash for laws' scandal
Et le corrompu du dimanche est... Publication date: Tuesday, March 29, 2011Author: Sabine Verhest Media title: La Libre BelgiqueUn journal dominical divulgue au compte-gouttes les noms d’eurodéputés qu’il aurait pu corrompre. Le dernier en date est espagnol. Link to original article: Read more about Et le corrompu du dimanche est...