Europe's Challenge: Democratic Accountability

Publication date: 
Monday, June 13, 2011
The European Parliament is the only European institution made up of directly elected representatives, yet the voter turnout across Europe is very low. How does the European Parliament work for the average citizen? How can they get involved in European politics? And what changes should they call for? We invite our audience to discuss these issues with the guidance of nine experts, including Members of the European Parliament, investigative journalists, researchers, transparency lobbyists and other experts. See it here:


By: Gyorgy Folk, Evan Lamos, Sylvia McCarthy

Interviews with: MEP Daniel Hannan, MEP Emelie Turunen, MEP Zita Gormai, Lorenzo Consoli, Marc Gruber, Paul De Clerck, Sana Kangasharju, Doru Frantescu, and Wolfgang Kowalski