ALTER-EU media coverage

Lobbies: jusqu’où la transparence?

Publication date: 
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Thierry Denoël
Media title: 
Le Vif/L'Express

A l’occasion de la sortie du film The Brussels Business, nous avons enquêté sur les lobbies qui tournent autour des institutions européennes. Les efforts de régulation de ce secteur particulier commencent à porter leurs fruits. Mais la transparence reste un idéal.

Can Consumers & Taxpayers Be Saved From The Bonus-Crazed Financial Sector?

Publication date: 
Friday, April 6, 2012
Ian Fraser
Media title: 
Economy Watch

[I]t emerged in 2009 that the Internal Market Directorate General had been "totally captured" by the financial sector. The extent of the infiltration became apparent after ALTER EU published a report, which revealed that the then acting commissioner, Charlie McCreevy, had effectively outsourced law-making to the vested interests.

Brussels: a lobbying paradise

Publication date: 
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Will Dinan, Erik Wesselius
Media title: 

In the last 30 years, thousands of lobbyists have flocked to Brussels, drawn by the increasing importance of EU-level decision making. With over 15,000 lobbyists influencing the EU institutions, Brussels vies with Washington for the title of lobbying capital of the world.

Snapshot original article (pdf): 

"It's shocking that Adrian Severin is still acting as a member of the European Parliament"

Publication date: 
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Magdalena Moreh
Media title: 

This special report examines the consequences of the 'Cash-for-Amendments'. 1 year after the scandal, TVR looks back: how are the rules on relations with lobbyists different now, and will the new code be effective or is just a cosmetic change? (With video interview ALTER-EU spokespeople Vicky Cann and Natacha Cingotti.)
