STOP PRESS 12 September: Postponement of the vote
The vote on the report has been postponed. The next opportunity for MEPs to vote for the report will be 29 September. Please continue to email your MEPs to let them know your position!
MEPs in the European Parliament, led by Sven Giegold, have drafted a report on “Transparency, integrity and accountability in the EU institutions”, and it includes many proposals to promote cleaner decision-making in Brussels. On 12 September, members of Committee on Constitutional Affairs (AFCO) will vote on this report - but not all MEPs agree that there needs to be a change to business as usual.
We have less than on week left to convince MEPs that excessive corporate lobbying and unethical politics – like the recent move by former Commission President Barroso to the investment bank Goldman Sachs - are a threat to our democracy.
ALTER-EU, Democracy International and Transparency International are asking EU citizens to contact MEPs to demand they vote for:
A ban on MEPs holding side jobs which could involve lobbying of the EU institutions - to stamp out conflicts of interest in the European Parliament
A legally-binding lobby register – to tackle the problems of dodgy data and those who still refuse to sign up to the voluntary lobby register
A legislative footprint - so we can see who is lobbying on specific policies and laws
Tell your MEP to take action to control the influence of big business over EU politics.
You can read ALTER-EU's specific letter to MEPs on the Constititional Affairs committee (AFCO) here.