The Alliance for Lobbying Transparency and Ethics Regulation (ALTER-EU) says:
"ALTER-EU welcomes the news that the Juncker Commission will, at last, refer former Commission President Barroso's move to become chairman of Goldman Sachs International to its ad hoc ethical committee. It has finally listened to the growing voices of concern which have gained momentum over the summer. However, this must be the beginning of a much longer process which continues with the referral of the Barroso case to the Court of Justice - on the grounds that the role breaches the EU treaty duty to act with "integrity and discretion" - and which culminates in an overhaul of the Code of Conduct for Commissioners, so that there are tougher revolving door rules for departing commissioners alongside transparent and independent decision-making in these matters in the future."
WeMove.EU + ALTER-EU petition: https://act.wemove.eu/campaigns/eu-revolving-doors?utm_source=partner&ut...
Petition coordinated by staff: https://www.change.org/p/for-strong-exemplary-measures-to-be-taken-again...
European Ombudsman: http://www.ombudsman.europa.eu/en/press/release.faces/en/71040/html.book...