ALTER-EU and a broad coalition of NGOs have shared their concerns about the implementation of the new transparency register of all three institutuions with Commissioner Jourova - and discussed them with her cabinet. Reporting requirements differ a lot depending on what kind of organisation is registering and lobbying expenses are now less transparent than before. Civil society will have to pt pressure on the Commission for quick changes. 
To avert climate breakdown, the vast majority of the fossil fuel industry’s gas, oil, and coal reserves need to stay in the ground.
To avert climate breakdown, the vast majority of the fossil fuel industry’s gas, oil, and coal reserves need to stay in the ground.

Latest News

This guide offers practical advice for MEPs on how to navigate the Brussels bubble while maintaining their independence and integrity, especially when it comes to contacts with lobbyists.  
A ten-point set of policy recommendations for a strengthened MEP Code of Conduct. A key demand is a ban on MEPs holding side jobs with companies or groups that are involved in EU lobbying.  
Four years after the 'cash-for-amendments' scandal, the European Parliament needs a stronger Code of Conduct for MEPs to avoid new lobbying scandals.
New ALTER-EU report shows why the current EU lobby register is still failing to deliver real transparency. NGOs file complaint about misleading Goldman Sachs registration.
  ALTER-EU report showing how the voluntary approach to EU lobby transparency regulation fails to provide citizens with an accurate picture of the lobby scene in Brussels
